Thursday, November 13, 2008


In the studio with Jason

In the sound editing and recording room

Street Fleet's Nick and Robbo after a day's work

In the studio with Fairlie and Maje

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

[Act. 3] Placement Evaluation

Activity 3:

After completing work placement at i98 fm I can comfortably say that I would go back and work for free without a second thought. I learnt so much from every person that I worked with while I was there and they all talked to me as an equal even though I have no training what-so-ever. As I have said in a previous blog; I kept learning new things from pricing to how to run the recording equipment, the list is almost endless.

The fact that I went into almost every single sector of the radio production amazes me, i98 fm was a awesome place to do work experience because they actually let you experience it all, not just the general radio presenting part of it. I even suprisingly got told on an occasion that I have a naturally clear comical radio voice by Ryan Cram. I even got complemented by the multi-award winning Rob Sharples for my “impeccable eye for grammar” and “enthusiasm towards all projects.”

Work placement at i98 fm has pointed me in the direction I have been desperately trying to find for a year. Due to their personal experience in the business they recommended that I complete a short course at AFTRS and then apply for the radio course that I wish to complete as they look highly upon students that have studied there previously and due to limited positions in the radio course it will put my application above those whom have not done so.

I think that work placement has actually made me more outgoing that I was before it, due to the nature of the people I was surrounded by and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.

[Act. 2] Workplacement Entries - 5


While on work placement at i98 fm my role was mainly to observe due to my lack of qualifications, however I was able to assist in a few sectors of the station at one time or another:
* I was on air with Ryan Cram
* I assisted with the Street Fleet’s duties for 4 hours
* I helped create a creative script with Rob Sharples
* I helped analyse what needed to be altered with voice acting for a trial run of an advertisement in the music studio
* I assisted Fairlie and Maje come up with prizes for their upcoming new year’s resolutions giveaway
* I assisted with the screening of listener request hour calls
When I carried out these activities I had to be careful to ensure I too followed the same ethical and legal requirements that all staff at the station needed to follow.

Through entire time that I took part in work placement at the station I kept learning new things. I became aware of the costs for advertising at certain times – such as gold hour, I briefly learnt about the different sound and recording equipment in the studios, I was briefed on the statistics of wave fm [their competition] in comparison to i98 fm and I became aware of other avenues I can follow to get into the career of radio telecast [as I wish to pursue this as a career].

[Act. 2] Workplace Entries - 4


The education and training requirements for a person in radio vary depending on the section of the company they wish to work in. At i98 fm most employees have been trained at AFTRS [The Australian Film Television and Radio School], a school which “attracts students from all over Australia who are driven to create, experiment and hone their skills in film, television, radio, screen composition, animation and interactive media, sound and design,” []. As soon as the course is completed the success rate of getting a job instantly is extremely high due to the fact that there are very limited positions available at AFTRS, and it provides one of the best training programs for radio and television in Australia.

In other sectors of the station a diploma or degree in ‘Communications and Media’ or related courses at TAFE or university can suffice to obtain a job in the newsroom, promotions or other related sectors of the station.

[Act. 2] Workplace Entries - 3


There are countless roles in the i98 fm station, with each and every one of them entailing different responsibilities along with them. Naturally all employees must follow the same strict legal and ethical requirements as to ensure that no lines are crossed by the company and to ensure that the audience and clients remain satisfied in every way possible.

In the business side of the radio station a strict homogenous format must be followed at all times to prevent any miss communication when an order for a advisement is made, in doing this it prevents any problems in the later stages of production.

The creative director and script writer must follow the instructions left by the client and employee who passed through their order. They must follow what information is provided, in most cases it is broad thus giving the director a fair amount of creative freedom, thus ensuring that it is more upbeat, where as if the order is very strict and orderly then there is less the director can play around with and it is more serious. Once the creative script is complete it must be approved by a superior before being furthered in the production process.

The sound director then must take the creative script produced by the creative director and bring it to life via voice recording, editing, sound effects and alterations. Once it has been approved by the creative director and the client then it is put to air.

[Act. 2] Workplace Entries - 2


There is a very strict legal and ethical code that all presenters and employees at i98 fm must abide at all times.

In the ethical sense they have to be very cautious with timing and the depth they go into certain topics; for instance they are forbidden to advertise alcohol during the breakfast timeslot as it is said to encourage binge drinking, they also must be careful with how they word alcoholic beverage advertisements for example they can’t encourage people to buy pallets of beer as it encourages binge and excessive drinking. They must be careful not to be too opinionated on violent matters such as the Cronulla riots as it can encourage violence, they must be careful not to offend people in terms of gender, religion or race and also must be very careful when prejudices are concerned.

From a legal point creative copyrights must be bought if a song of a artist is to be used in advertisement of something they are not being promoted in, usually the rights for the songs are bought for three months and they can cost around $50,000 for that time period and take months to get all the signatures needed for the form to be completed. Technically it is illegal to impersonate a popular personality, impressions as a characterisation is certainly legal however the audience must be aware that it is in fact a parody and not the legitimate person.

[Act. 2] Workplace Entries - 1

Activity 2:


i98 fm provides a variety of services for the Illawarra and surrounding regions. It provides updates in current affairs, traffic reports, surf reports, ski reports and weather forecasts while also providing the most widely listened to mainstream music hours after hour. Apart from in the news room and recording studio, there are many other ways in which the station provides services for the community, this includes service fundraisers such as ‘jump for wishes’ and the ‘truck convoy for kids’ which have amazing success rates with the truck convoy raising over $180,000 last year alone, with all of it going directly to the kids with cancer organisation.

i98 fm is a homogenous work environment, especially in terms of characteristics of it’s employees. All employees are extraverted, kind, welcoming, worldly, excitable, fun, skilled at networking, highly intelligent crafters of speech, follow a structured work routine – thus enabling them to remain relaxed and relatively laid back. They know who they are and what their skills are, naturally some people are stronger in some aspects of my list over others, however they manage to turn their ‘weaknesses’ into strengths or trademarks – for instance Maje is a very extroverted man, he has a strong character and personality and he is aware of this so he uses his fresh and blunt thoughts to give shape to his segment on the show in the afternoons.

[Act. 1] Short Written Report

Activity 1:

For the work placement segment of this course I decided to pursue the avenue of radio telecast. Through contacting teachers at TAFE such as Mark Mathews I was able to gain contacts and I contacted wave fm, 9.4.1 fm and ABC radio all of which had already had their quota of work experience students for the year or were unable to fit me in before the deadline for this assessment.

Eventually I simply turned to the phonebook; I decided that I would ring up i98 fm and see if I could convince them that I will do almost anything as they were my last hope at radio work placement in the Illawarra. My call got sent to the senior sales assistant, Amanda Dawes who asked when I wished to do it, how long, what my project required – in depth and about my course. She told me that they had stopped receiving work placement students for the year, a week prior to my call, however my complete and utter enthusiastic attitude had left a great impression and she would contact her boss and negotiate an extension so I could do my work placement with their company, however she told me not to expect to much as she isn’t very sure he would agree to the extension and that she would contact me within 48 hours. She called back 1 hour later and happily told me that I had been accepted for work placement from the 11th – 12th of November and she would email all other details for confirmation later on that day.